onsdag den 12. oktober 2011

Ny lak #Chanel

Elsker min nye Chanel neglelak. Den har en lækker mørkerød farve, som passer supergodt til mig. Bliver de røde nuancer, jeg bruger, for lyse, ligner de plastic på mig. Lidt for barbie. Men denne er perfekt:

 Uden blitz:

Med blitz:

Har en brun nuance fra H&M, men ønsker mig allermest 505. Og en nude/champagnefarvet. Og en rosa. Men SÅ er jeg også færdig. For nu.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Oh my. When I saw this post I was immediately drawn to the red nail polish. Red has always been my favorite color and it looks great against your skin tone. Thanks for taking a peak at my blog. I really appreciate it.


  2. Thanks. I jusy bought it this month. I really loves the darkness in the red. Much more elegant on my skintone, than the lighter red colours.

    Thanks for peaking back, hope we'll see each other again in the future.
