søndag den 30. oktober 2011

Favourites # MAC

ENDELIG hjemme i Odense, hvor der ligger en Magasin. Kan ikke finde Mac produkter heroppe i Thisted, så jeg måtte lige tanke op på nogle standardsager:

When I'm finally in a town where Mac products are available I have to stock up. This weekend I bought:

So long November budget...

Stocked up on my blush: Peachykeen. Absolute favourite!
New Studio Fix Foundation, as my old one is getting to dark. I bought it on my return from France this  summer. My standard colour is NC25, as I have a yellowish skin tone, but make the people at your local Mac store help you find your perfect colour. You can't tell from pictures whether your colours will match another person's.

I always buy the additional pump for my foundations. It's most hygienic, and you wont end end up pouring too much into you palm. They're only about 4 euros, no biggie.

I prefer to use a sponge with my foundation. I pat the foundation on my chin, around my mouth, my nasal wings, eyes, cheekbones and forehead and work it out from there. Maybe I'll do a video some day...

If you prefer putting on your foundation with a brush (and you speak danish) Beautytale can tell you how to do.

My blush goes with both cold and warm shades of makeup, and however tan I might be. Hence I love it, and always keep it with me. When I reached the bottom of my current blush I knew it was time to stock up!

Og så forærede min svigermor mig da liiige en palet fra Chanel, hvor heldig kan man være?

My mother in law gave me this palette from Chanel, how lucky am I?

A peek of how good my skin looks in the foundation. And giant curlers. I like to play around with my hair on sundays and try on new things, today I'm trying to strenghten my curls, by using these curlers in damp hair.

Lige et vinterblegt billede af mig, kun med foundation på, så i kan se, hvor ensartet min hud ser ud - med kun ét produkt.
Og så selvfølgelig mine gigantiske curlere. Prøver at styrke mine egne krøller ved at lade dem tørre langsomt i curlerne. Aner ikke, hvordan det kommer til at se ud.

Er der nogen danskere, der er meget trætte af, at det meste står på engelsk? Så sig til, så må jeg lige tage mig sammen og skrive det hele både på dansk og engelsk...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hvor er det bare en helt perfekt svigermor du har dig :)

  2. Det er slet ikke tosset at komme hjem med Chanelvarer, nej. Der er hun bare rigtig sød.
