Find me a hairtype that doesn't need extra care in the ends? I love how good oils combine the moisture my curls need with a healthy, shiny glow. Here are three of my favourites:
Min frisørs yndlings er uden tvivl ghd'en. Den er superlet, og helt perfekt, når hun har glattet mit hår. I mine krøller er den supergod til at fange 'flyverne'.
My hairdresser always uses ghd in my hair when she straightens it. It has a light touch, and is perfect for straight hair and fly aways in curls.
Read about the ghd products here.
Min ultimative favorit for tiden er Hair doctor's Argan Oil. Den giver mine spidser den pleje, de har brug for, samtidig med at den efterlader et let shine i mit hår uden at tynge.
The Hair Doctor is my favourite these days. It provides shine and care for my ends with a light touch, which leaves my curls free to curl away.
You can by the hairdoctor oil here.
Nashi Argan olien var jeg så heldig at få en lille prøve på for nylig. Det er en argan olie som hårdoktorens, men den er væsentligt tykkere og tungere. Hvis du har tørt hår, slidte spidser eller en vinterdeprimeret frisure, kan denne olie puste liv i det hele. Men den er meget tung, så hold den i spidserne, hvis du ikke vil have en kedelig hovedbund.
I was recently given a sample of the Nashi Argan Oil. It is more rich than the other two oils, and can provide first aid for dry hair, split ends and dull hair. But be careful. The heavy product must only go into the ends of your hair, or it might weigh down and grease your scalp.
You can learn more about the Nashi products here.
Some examples of curls with that perfect shine that I love:
Nice post! I take care so much of my hair!
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